by Robert Heavrin on Apr 27, 11:00 AM
"I can't get this food to Africa, so I don't wanna hear about it!" My girlfriend grunts as I scold her for leaving yet another never-to-be-eaten left-over box in my fridge. She knows I'm a hypocrite. I'm as guilty as everyone else when it comes to food wasting-about once a month I fill up an entire trash can with moldy or suspiciously smelling food. And I have started to feel guilty.
by Mary C. Long on Apr 20, 12:00 PM
Though there's a certain contingent of the population utterly devoted to going green, there's still plenty of resistance out there. Whether it's ignorance, laziness, or downright denial, not everyone recycles, conserves, or even buys into the idea that these things are important. Some of them are even in Congress.