The New Green Consumers: Smart Approaches To Targeting
    At a time when many people in the U.S. still feel they are "in recovery" from the lingering recession and the disappearance of so many jobs from the marketplace - who has time to worry about the environment?
    Automakers Should Love Public Transportation
    Some industries have been doing whatever they can to back-track mass transit in this country. Even though President Obama has thrown billions at getting moveable objects like trains up and running, nothing has come of it, because where there's no political will there's no political way. But the auto industry should support mass transportation because, at the end of the day, alternatives to cars are in the industry's interests.
    Millennials And The 'E-Word'
    Earlier this year, the Pew Research Center found that fewer than a third of Millennials believe that the word "environmentalist" describes them very well. By contrast, Millennials are more likely to describe themselves as patriotic and religious than they are to apply the word "environmentalist" to themselves.
    Wake Up And Smell The End Of The World
    What would you do if you knew an enemy was threatening your life and the lives of everyone around you? Would you be inclined to act if you knew that the enemy would destroy not just your present, but your future and your children's futures?
    When Going Green Backfires
    Just when we thought we had green marketing all figured out comes this report from The Journal of Consumer Research that found consumers are more likely to purchase green products if they think helping the environment is not the intended purpose of a product improvement.
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