by Yoon-Na Cho on Sep 23, 1:48 PM
Consumers are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in making environmentally friendly decisions, prompting marketers to devise ever more nuanced methods of "green communication." The Federal Trade Commission's Green Guides have been revised only twice in the last 17 years, most recently in 2012, and these infrequent updates struggle to keep pace with marketing strategies that may give rise to consumer confusion and deceptive greenwashing by companies.
by Suzanne Shelton on Sep 16, 3:12 PM
When it comes to selling green or energy-efficient products, we marketers tend to throw around a lot of jargon. But do consumers really speak our language? A recent research report from Shelton Group shows that some green buzzwords are big consumer favorites, while others are total turnoffs.
by Benny Thomas on Sep 9, 3:10 PM
Witch-hunts, tar, feathers and public pillorying are not usually found in the modern marketing plan. But sometimes, you have to go back in time to move forward. Let's talk about the subject that has displaced discussions by Californians of where you can find the best yoga studio, quinoa salad or stretch of beach: the water crisis.
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