The Green Tea Party Movement
    Al Gore and Rush Limbaugh just got married.
    When Going Green Is Uncomfortable ...
    I'll be the first to admit it - sometimes the more environmentally responsible lifestyle decision is also the choice that is inconvenient, uncomfortable and just plain hard. The small, everyday adjustments that we make to live more sustainable lives - walking instead of driving, shopping with reusable bags versus plastic bags, washable napkins or tissues instead of disposable ones - collectively make a significant difference in improving the state of the planet, but also require more time, more planning, and more effort from us.
    It's Not Too Late
    Yes, I know it's February. Which is really not the time to talk about New Year's Resolutions. That said, considering the state of the planet, maybe every month is a good time to talk about the actions we can take to reverse global warming.
    Is A Sustainable App In Your Brand's Future?
    With mobile technology being the current go-to information platform, many sustainable brands - from global icons to mid-size and entrepreneurial ventures - are developing apps as a means of turning their social good message into something more visible and interactive. Marilyn Simes, president of Digital Instincts, a digital marketing agency, provides an expert's perspective on what companies should know about their customers before creating a sustainable app.
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