by Brigid Milligan on Aug 21, 10:00 AM
In my experience, every sustainability professional I've ever met has agreed that organizations need to be transparent in their sustainability communications. And yet, that word - transparency - means vastly different things both within and externally to an organization.
by Sarah DaVanzo on Aug 14, 10:05 AM
With the announcement of the first synthetic burger grown in a petri dish, would it be more or less shocking to say "human waste is the currency of the future"? "Carbon footprints" and "data footprints" are carving the way for "microbial footprints." Consumers are paying to get dirty... germ-dirty, that is. "Going viral" is taking on a whole new meaning in marketing. Online communities are flourishing around "intestine communities." Brand ecosystems now have as much to do with biology as technology (Gulp).
by Julie Livingston on Aug 7, 10:22 AM
With so much competition vying for consumers' attention, green companies and brands looking to differentiate themselves can find success by engaging their target customers on a deeper, more personal level. Brand-sponsored content, done well, can be that powerful tool to channel a brand's core values and develop long-term relationships with key stakeholders. Doing it well means generating a steady stream of shareable, original, compelling content and offering unique experiences across all media (both live and virtual). This leads to enduring trust, brand awareness and loyalty.
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