Are The World's Most Valuable Brands Adopting Green? (Part 1)
    Ever since January 2010, when green marketing was proven to be a trend by the Center for Media Research, critics have emerged from both sides of the spectrum, declaring green marketing's imminent doom.
    Help Consumers Share Responsibility
    Tom's of Maine can make the toothpaste more natural, but it can't force consumers to turn the water off when they brush. Coke can make the bottles recyclable, but only consumers can drop them in the blue bin. Sun Chips can make the bags compostable, but only consumers can see that they get to a composting pile instead of a trash can
    The Term Is Relative; Let The Buyer Decide
    You hear a lot of talk about the "sin of the hidden trade-offs." I've got news for you, folks. Greening -- like life itself -- is all about the trade-offs! No product is 100% "green." So, considering that all products use energy and create waste, green is a relative term. One product is green-er for someone at some time in some place.
    Green Means Go
    Arctic communities are ready to act on climate change and energy issues.
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