Are the World's Most Valuable Brands Adopting Green? (Part 2)
    On one hand, environmentalists claim that companies are not doing enough to change company infrastructure and culture to really deserve the title "green." On the other end of the ideological spectrum, green marketing is considered a market and business failure that is doomed to go out of fashion any day. Is there merit to claims from these divergent doomsayers? This article aims to shed light on this issue by studying the green initiatives of the 10 most valuable brands in the world.
    Earth To Eco-Labels: Be Consumer Useful Or Wither From Lack Of Relevance
    Everyone lauds eco-labels being put forth by such sustainability leaders as Timberland, HP and Levi's for transparency and commitment, but are they really all that useful to consumers? Likely not. These labels may be informative and project credibility, but their usefulness can -- and must -- be taken up a notch.
    Should Automotive Commercials Be Required To Give Their Own 'Fair-Balance'?
    The auto industry is not the only one to leave out negative effects -- of course, no company or brand wants to advertise their bad side. But when a product shows direct, negative effects on the environment and on people's health and well-being, how do we let it slip by?
    Green For Generations
    September 1974 was a memorable month for me. Nixon got a pardon, everyone was talking about the price of gas, and I started school. The one-room schoolhouse across the field from my rural home in Winsloe, Prince Edward Island, had just been closed so I was among the first cohort to be loaded onto a big orange bus for the four-mile ride into Charlottetown, the capital, to the brand new consolidated school.
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