• Publishers Making Pennies From Third-Party Distribution
    In the first half of 2016, the average premium publisher generated $7.7 million in revenue from distributing their content on third-party platforms like Facebook and Google. That’s according to Business Insider, citing a report from premium publisher trade body Digital Content Next. That figure is “equivalent to around 14% of [publishers’] overall revenues in the period,” BI writes.
  • Microsoft Debuts Fresh Windows 10 Test Build
    Microsoft just released a fresh Windows 10 Creators Update Build. “Like the last two Insider test builds, [this latest version] includes quite a few new features,” ZDNet reports. “The blog post describing today's build also includes an acknowledgement that Microsoft will not be delivering the new ‘My People’ feature that it showed off in October 2016 as part of the Creators Update, as it originally planned.”
  • NY Times Issues Positive Forecast
    The New York Times just released a fresh forecast that paints a rosier picture of its place in the media ecosystem. “The 2020 report … describes a newsroom that has made major strides to fill the gaps outlined three years ago,” Poynter writes. “The Times’ digital audience is growing rather than shrinking; the newsroom has embraced data and analytics; there's a clearly defined digital strategy.” Yet, “The newsroom is still organized around old newspaper sections,” Poynter notes.
  • Medium Surprises Some Publishers With Reboot
    Several publishing partners apparently had no advance notice that Medium would be reimagining its business model. “Medium’s exit from the online ad business was news to some of its publishing partners, many of whom have come to depend on the publishing platform as a key source of revenue,” Politico reports. “Five members of the revenue beta program told Politico that they did not receive any advance notice of Medium’s change in strategy before Williams’ public announcement.”
  • Critics Cast Doubt On Medium's Reinvention
    Bloomberg columnist Leonid Bershidsky isn't confident that Evan Williams can come up with new business model to make Medium profitable without sacrificing his high-minded publishing principles. This week, “Williams suggested the new model would be ‘transformative’ and said it was too early to describe it,” he writes. “That's hardly good news for investors, who have already contributed $130 million to the startup.”
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