• HuffPost Resigns Web Site
    Along with changing its name to HuffPost, The Huffington Post just unveiled a redesigned Web site. That matters because, despite shifting consumption patterns, the publisher’s homepage still attracts a ton of traffic. “On some days, HuffPost gets as much as a quarter of its traffic directly from its homepage,” NiemanLab reports, citing an estimate from Julia Beizer, HuffPost’s head of product.
  • LiveJournal Submits To Russian Censorship
    Blogging platform LiveJournal is facing heat for banning “political solicitation,” which, as Gizmodo explains, “can mean anything that criticizes the Russian government, as well as pro-LGBTQ discussions.” LiveJournal was acquired by a Russian company back in 2007, Gizmodo notes. “In December, the servers were relocated to Russia.”
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