Chasing The Muse: Secrets Of Newfound Creativity
    All of us whose jobs involve writing-whether copywriting, press releases, or the great American novel in your desk drawer-have experienced it at some point: that moment of panic when you just can't come up with anything, when your creativity seems to have run dry. Usually, something (a flash of inspiration, or just a looming deadline) kicks us into gear, and we get our thoughts down on the page.
    Google Chromecast - Flashback To 2006
    A couple of weeks back I received my Google Chromecast. I was excited to test out Google's latest venture into the entertainment space. I already have Apple TV but was very interested in seeing what Chromecast had to offer. And since I travel a lot, I liked the idea of plugging Chromecast into the hotel room TV vs. watching movies on my iPad or laptop. I was very excited to get up and running with my new toy.
    Reality Advertising: You're On 'Candid Camera'
    Television viewers continue to demonstrate an insatiable appetite for reality TV, with shows like "Survivor" and "Project Runway" running for a dozen seasons or more and new shows cropping up every season. One source estimates the number of reality programs went from 4 in 2,000 to about 320 in 2012. This season's premiere of A&E's reality show "Duck Dynasty" drew over 11.8 million viewers, making it the number one nonfiction series telecast in cable history.
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