Monetizing YouTube As A Brand: Lessons To Success Are Right Behind You
    YouTube is omnipresent and far ahead of the others to serve as the de facto platform for brands. However, what it offers, beyond the other de facto platforms to reach consumers, is that it houses the opportunity to serve as a platform for your brand's monetization. Sound familiar? Yes, we see history replay itself over the years. Just as the blogging industry upended the digital publishing and web publishers disrupted traditional publishing.
    2014 Box Office Low And Video Streaming's March
    Did you notice that there have been shorter lines and less-crowded theaters in the last year? If so, you noticed a trend that has continually grown for 20 years. Reports show that the number of moviegoers in the United States slipped to an all time low 2014. While the National Association of Theater Owners is still finalizing 2014 numbers, early estimates show attendance is down 6% from the previous year.
    Resolutions - 'That's Entertainment' Edition
    New Year's resolutions tend to be super-personal. I mean, obviously. We create them to make ourselves happier-healthier-more productive-less lazy-generally better human beings, so resolutions often focus on eating, exercise, non-procrastinating and other self-improving activities. But I have a job to do here: I write about entertainment marketing, so my resolutions are going to focus on how I - and, hopefully, you, too - can do that job better. And if we're lucky, we can enjoy some entertainment of our own along the way.
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