by Barry Janoff on Nov 27, 10:00 AM
From a marketing point of view, that's a rhetorical question.
by Bryan House on Nov 26, 1:40 PM
When it comes to creating the optimal Web experience, nowhere are standards higher and the audience tougher than in the world of digital sports. In the same way that sports fans demand 92-inch screens, theater-quality audio and even 3D, the digital experience needs to be state-of-the-art as well. If you don't offer the best, don't get in the game. Only winning counts.
by Jon Last on Nov 13, 8:12 AM
I've used this space in the past to speak to the complex subject of selecting appropriate athletes as endorsers. My main messages have included a warning against hitching your fortunes too closely to singular stars as well as an appeal to utilize marketing research to assure that those athletes that a property is considering aligning with are an appropriate fit with how your brand wishes to position itself. Certainly we are all too familiar with the risks inherent in subjugating a brand to the often erratic behaviors of professional athletes. And with all the negativity and muckraking that seems to …
by Dan Eisenberg on Nov 6, 1:10 PM
Maintenance and monitoring are two things that we all need in our lives. Sure, your car might be able to run a few more "hundred or so" miles over the oil change, but what does that do to your engine for the long term? Overlooking something seemingly insignificant might mean the difference between a smooth-running classic versus a rusted-out beater. Sports marketing sponsorship portfolios work the same way.
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