Tony Ponturo Has The Playbook On Super Bowl, Broadway
    During his three decades as a top executive for Anheuser-Busch, Tony Ponturo helped to define, and then redefine, the way companies handle sports marketing and the way consumers view and relate to those marketing efforts.
    Avoiding Activation Attribution Mistakes
    A subtle underpinning of my piece last month was the assertion that with such a proliferation of sports-related media and exposure opportunities, brands must be more adept at diffusing their messages across channels to maximize their reach and engagement.
    I Want My MLB
    It is no secret Major League Baseball has what many are calling an "age problem." I call it a new-age problem. Its fan base isn't growing younger, despite the presence of more young superstars than at any time in its history. One needs to look no further than the 2013 World Series for evidence of the situation. The average 2013 World Series viewer was approximately 54 years old, according to a "Wall Street Journal" article.
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