Pro Teams Will Play Primary Role In Ticket Market
    Over the next few years, the ticket market as we know it will likely look nothing like the one you've grown up with, which, depending on your age, either involved waiting in line outside the ticket offices for them to open, or hitting the "refresh" button over and over again until tickets went on sale online. As often happens, a startup will strive to disrupt the market, but this time the startup doing the disrupting won't be run by 20-something Silicon Alley geniuses, or even Silicon Valley vets. In this next market turn, the startups will be professional sports teams …
    How The Boys Of Fall And Winter Are Taking On The Boys Of Summer
    Back in the day, sports fans could follow their favorite sport(s) based on the months of the year: Baseball ran from April to October. The NFL played from September to December, with playoffs in January and the Super Bowl in February. The NBA and NHL went from October to May, followed by the playoffs and championship.
    On The DL: How To Handle Sidelined Partners
    Another exciting NBA season has come to a close, and with it, another big year off the court with several multimillion-dollar ad campaigns starring NBA athletes. The association has never been so deep with dynamic, nationally marketable superheroes, with whom corporations can feel good about aligning their brands.
    Teams To Play Big Role In Ticket Market
    By leveraging big data and multiple touch points, they will be able to provide tailored deals to millions of buyers and sellers.
    Transparency, Accountability And Accessibility As Mandatory Marketing Assets In An Era Of 24-7 Visibility
    Perhaps it's an overstatement to suggest that American sports properties suffer from a crisis of confidence among their fans and target audiences. However, it has become apparent of late that some of the same sensitivities that U.S. corporations have had to battle in sustaining, rebuilding and managing their reputations over recent years have been amplified for the owners and stewards of sports properties. Those that embrace the reality that corporate reputations matter and are proactive in their protection of these reputations are headed in the right direction.
    New York Ushers In A Bull Market For U.S. Soccer
    Has soccer finally "arrived" as a major sport in the U.S.A.? I get asked this question all the time about the world's game. Thanks to our friends in the Big Apple and the UK, the answer may be "yes," sooner than later, as seen by the English Premier League's Manchester City and Major League Baseball's New York Yankees' recent purchase of an MLS expansion team for $100 million. The 75%-25% ownership split between the two legendary sports businesses (who certainly are no strangers to spending money), also includes plans to build a stadium for the team in Queens. That, alone, …
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