by Barry Janoff on Apr 24, 6:02 AM
The NBA took another significant step toward selling space on its jerseys when it unveiled a deal with BBVA last week to have the banking firm place its logo on NBA Development League jerseys during 2012 D-League playoffs.
by Rich Calacci on Apr 17, 6:09 AM
Why online media wins during the NFL draft.
by Jon Last on Apr 10, 6:21 AM
Everyone knows the old real estate adage of "location, location, location." In Marketing 101, we learned that "Place," while not defined literally, was one of the "four Ps" that drive marketing (product, promotion and price were the others, for those who forget the remaining three).
by Kent Thomas on Apr 3, 5:51 AM
While recently attending one of the country's biggest sporting events, my colleagues and I discussed how the event impacts the host city - specifically, an event in which the local professional team doesn't need to be in the championship. Topping that list is the NFL's championship game. (The Super Bowl, dare I say it without a signed release?) But, there are many other sporting events that fit the description. From the NCAA Final Four to the World Table Tennis Championships, major events are constantly seeking the best city to showcase their event. Currently, there is hot competition for the right …
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