• 5 Strategies Comcast Needs To Pursue
    Although Brian Roberts vows not to "Comcast-ize" NBC Universal as the new controlling owner, transforming digital change is inevitable at the dominant cable operator and entertainment conglomerate. The status quo is not an option.
  • Is FCC's Broadband Compromise Too Risky?
    The Federal Communication Commission's proposed regulation of broadband as a commodity aims squarely at achieving Net neutrality -- but at what cost?
  • Wild Wild Web Needs Some Broadband Regulation
    While no one wants heavy-handed government broadband intervention, several recent developments underscore the need for broad checks and balances to assure consumer protections and a fair, level business playing field.
  • Retrans, Ad Fees Transforming TV Sector
    What's a TV viewer worth these days of intense media fragmentation? More than you think -- and even more in the future. The growth of ad and retrans fees is nudging television toward a digital future and rescuing broadcasters from financial crisis.
  • Internet Cos. New Normal May Be Misleading
    Google is a bellwether for an increasingly holistic ad market, in which digital Internet and more traditional media placement intertwine. The media industry's new normal -- the juxtaposition of historic and emerging income streams, strategies and values -- will arrive in 2011.
  • Mobile, Digital Ads Key To Immediate Consumer Purchases
    The explosion of mobile Internet devices led by Apple's new iPad and iPhone OS will help advertisers grab the big brass: quicker commercial transactions.
  • iPad Could Be Promised Land For Media, Advertisers
    Apple's iPad and new applications could be a ticket to digital interactive revenues if content producers and advertisers are creative and smart enough not to get in their own way.
  • TV's Disappearing Status Quo
    Recent data points render still more evidence that traditional media's status quo is fleeting. The issue now is how long and how much media companies are willing to bet against transformative change.
  • Google's Interactive TV Will Redefine Future Media
    If and when Google pulls together its Android operating system, AdSense sales, search engine and other algorithmic services into an integrated, embedded Google TV offering, television will never be the same.
  • Global Expansion: Cablers Future Rev Growth
    One of the few standout media growth stories of 2010 will be the aggregate 19% increase in operating income, or nearly twice domestic gains, for international cable networks.
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