by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 30, 3:45 PM
Roman Tsunder, founder and president of Access360 Media, wants to change the world. So he has begun to build a conference series--PTTOW Youth Media Summit--where online media insiders and thought leaders can gather and make a positive social impact. Think TED or World Economic Forum for today's youth, ages 14 to 34.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 29, 2:15 PM
Analysts have released a handful of reports this week providing insight into Google's position across a variety of markets, from mobile to search to China.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 28, 3:30 PM
What it former Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and iCrossing executives came together to form a company offering venture capital funding and guidance, as well as digital marketing services. The services would support everything from search to social media. Well, earlier this month one group did just that, creating TallWave
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 27, 4:00 PM
Search engine marketing has become a bigger piece of Kodak's overall marketing plan, but a new share feature built into a camera takes the campaign into the product's designs. Leslie Dance, Kodak's vice president of brand marketing and communications, explains what she calls a "360 approach" to rebranding and supporting the company.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 26, 4:00 PM
Google has made changes in the way it works with search engine marketing agencies that support AdWords clients. The changes announced Monday focus on modifying how agencies get trained and tested, provide lower cost for qualified agencies using the AdWords API, and make it easier for advertisers to find certified partners to work with them on digital ads, according to a Google spokesperson.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 23, 4:00 PM
Search meet social. Social meet search. The two of you will spend much more time together as brilliant minds continue to find new possibilities to integrate marketing and technology. Some analysts believe the marriage of search and social puts Twitter and other social sites at a "critical juncture," but it remains unclear what revenue these initiatives will generate.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 22, 2:00 PM
Search engines continue to make a mad dash for the mom-and-pop and smaller businesses in the local space. From mega search engine to fledgling startups, the goal is to help get smaller businesses -- some of whom don't even have Web sites -- online.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 21, 4:00 PM
Marketing's interdisciplinary push during the past 10 to 15 years continues to force marketers who support companies in search engine optimization, paid search, and beyond to tie into the mix sophisticated technologies like analytics and behavioral sciences. There's now a generation of people who have both marketing and technology backgrounds.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 20, 4:45 PM
One of the biggest problems in search engine optimization is finding those relevant keywords that link to Web page content. You can find them, but they're not always successful in turning Web site browsers into buyers, no matter how fluffy and fancy the keyword tail.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 19, 2:45 PM
The generation raised on Google wants search engines to know how they feel and think to recreate the same connection felt between human beings. They want visual search, and for engines to get inside their head, know their mood, as well as serve them ideas based on personal information stored in social sites across the Web.