by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 31, 1:11 PM
Dear Google, Please create a tool that allows me to send SMS text messages for free. You did a great job with the call feature on Gmail. Now it's time to move on to similar mobile features. The carriers will move in to take advantage if you don't create a method to lower SMS campaign costs for advertisers and make it less expensive for consumers to share.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 30, 1:09 PM
Mark DeLoura, the videogame guru Google hired and named "developer advocate," left the Mountain View, Calif. technology company last week after four short months in the abstract post. It was not a "perfect fit for me," he explained in a blog post; though he was excited by the idea of running applications in a browser, for example, or Chrome Native Client, the ability to open the Web so developers can use languages other than HTML/JS and ActionScript, as the Web moves past "markup languages wrapped around test and toward a fully interactive platform for applications."
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 27, 1:35 PM
On Thursday Google boosted an attempt to make the Web real time by launching a dedicated engine that locates content on Twitter and Facebook -- but social media expert Brian Solis said such efforts could prove futile. Context rather than content has become king -- and consumers will find the most valuable engines and social media sites have the ability to index for relevance rather than real time.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 26, 3:12 PM
Packaging creates awareness. Companies can offer a variety or great services, but if marketers don't know how to use them or can't see the benefits, those tools might as well not exist. Search marketers especially know this. So, when Google decided it wanted to bring some awareness to a variety of its tools, expert marketers for the tech company created the "zero moment of truth" and the five Ps of digital marketing. Brilliant.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 25, 5:00 PM
Small-and-medium size businesses rely more on search engine marketing these days, despite complaints by some advertisers that keyword prices for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising continue to rise. Without formally surveying companies we can identify an increase by tracking the number of office and job openings throughout the world by companies like WebVisible and 360i. And while the news of these events provide empirical data, findings in recent studies from BIA/Kelsey and LookSmart provide insight into how much growth is occurring.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 24, 7:00 AM
During the weekend Distilled SEO Consultant Rob Ousbey identified a new Google feature that updates search results as someone enters keywords into the search box. It all happens in a blink of an eye without pressing the enter key. Google, however, isn't the only search engine with the technology to change search results on the fly. There's an engine for Twitter, too.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 23, 2:15 PM
RealNetworks VP Bill Hanks checked in to the Mercer Island Country Club on Facebook Places Saturday. It worked great, expect for one problem. He did it from his backyard tree house about three blocks away.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 20, 5:49 PM
Change is constant, as the saying goes. That goes for the way analytic and data firms account for monthly search market share for Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and others, too. Earlier this week, comScore released monthly market share search stats based on a revised method to collect data. The change, in part, is accounted by for Microsoft and Yahoo's recent practices of publishing contextual links to search queries on their owned and operated properties. Technology continues to change, and with it, reporting methods. Luke McGuinness, vice president, partnerships and product management at Experian Hitwise, explains the shift.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 19, 2:38 PM
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) calls paid search the force attracting budgets to the Internet. In a report released earlier this week, the firm estimates paid search ads rose 10.1% in 2009, canceling out, for the most part, the recession's influence on the industry. In some respects the report reads like an old familiar book we've repeatedly read during the past year. So, it comes as no surprise that advertisers and marketers continue to direct more of their budgets into digital advertising.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 18, 2:27 PM
Consumers increasingly search for information on travel destinations and book reservations on the Internet, but folks in the travel industry have been slow to adopt online marketing. No so for Scott Schult, EVP of marketing for the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, who identified the trend several years ago and quickly began reallocating ad budgets online.