by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 31, 2:00 PM
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our ability to post content on the Web and influence others through opinion gives a lot of people that power. And aside from sharing a point of view, the content also contributes to search engine query rankings and optimization. Negative and positive comments and blog posts influence what we see in search queries. It will only become more pronounced as Bing, Google and Yahoo move toward push search services, rather than pull.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 30, 3:54 PM
Search marketers are familiar with customizing Web pages and granting permissions to create a personal experience. Identifying the site visitor before she arrives allows the brand to serve up custom content and build a closer relationship.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 27, 1:43 PM
Google Glasses makes everything in view a potential ad on social sites and search engines, and broad-based ad exchanges like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook will acquire those focused on specific vertical marketers.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 26, 2:38 PM
Sponsored Results could become the newest advertising offering in Facebook's search box, where ads appear alongside organic results linked to specific pages or places on the social network. Reports suggest that testing on these cost-per-click ads began last week. No doubt social data will also play a role in the type of ads that serve up.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 24, 2:15 PM
If Google acquired Sparrow, the creator of the e-mail client for Mac and iPhone, the media must still hold promise for marketing. Email click-through rates averaged 5.4% in 2011 and year-to-date in 2012 -- up from 4.5% in 2009, according to a recent study.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 24, 12:44 PM
With so much information being uploaded or available on the Web, trust becomes a more powerful filter for sifting through the data. Consumers must trust a brand and its ads before consumers will click on the link, watch a video, or make an online purchase. The findings are apparent in The Trust Factor study recently released by
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 23, 11:47 AM
Similar to targeting search and display ads based on the time of day and day of the week, serving the correct ad to consumers on mobile requires research and skill. Mobile ad network Adfonic, which supports about 5,000 campaigns monthly, focused part of its second quarterly Global AdMetrics report on pricing and performance for verticals like automotive, retail, travel, style and fashion, dining, social and dating, and more. The report also breaks down the findings by time- and dayparting campaigns.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 20, 2:21 PM
On Marissa Mayer's CEO watch, will Yahoo remain in the Microsoft search alliance? Yahoo and Microsoft both released earnings this week. During the Sunnyvale, Calif. company's Tuesday earnings call, executives said the revenue per search (RPS) gained from Microsoft remains below the agreement's guarantee, which insiders note expires in Q1 2013.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 19, 1:58 PM
Search marketers running mobile campaigns need insight into how consumers interact with content. The mobile browser company Opera has released findings that show the United States and Canada generate the majority of ad requests, with 73% of the global total. The U.S. eCPM generates the highest value at $1.98, closely followed by the United Kingdom at $1.94. Both top the global average of $1.90.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 18, 11:26 AM
Brace for another acronym. Add it to the list of C-level executives living with three-letter words like CMO, CTO, CFO, CEO, and COO.