OpenAI changed the fine print in its use policy that eliminates text related to the tech for military and war, as a report links Baidu's AI tech to China's military research.
Global ad spend is on track to grow 4.4% to $963.5 billion in 2023, rising 8.2% to more than $1 trillion in 2024, which will be the first year expenditures top the trillion-dollar mark, according to
the World Advertising Research Center, with five companies responsible for the uptick.
Citizen Lab analyzed eight popular search platforms in China for censorship rules controlling content, which may be doing more harm than good outside the country.
While Google and Facebook remain the world's biggest advertising behemoths, four of China's media companies now rank among the world's top 10, including TikTok owner Bytedance, which barely even
existed just a few years ago.
Findings from a study published Monday, which analyzed six browsers, show how they track user location and share browsing history.
AI and machine learning should attract advertisers doing business with Google and Facebook to Amazon, but by 2020 Juniper expects that overall, AI will contribute to rising costs per ad. Demonstrating
that better ad targeting can match current return on ad spend will become essential.
Forrester reported in its Q4 Digital Marketing Tracker that Facebook saw price-per-ad growth accelerate to 43% year-over-year in Q4 2017. At Facebook and Alibaba -- which collectively accounted for
48% of the year-over-year growth in global advertising revenue in the fourth quarter of 2017 -- higher ad prices were a key driver.