• Gasping for Ads
    If you can't beat 'em join 'em, as the old saying goes: Traditional media outlets - such as those dusty, crinkly rags that leave you with ink-stained fingers that dirty your keyboard - are getting tired of being shoved around by the digital juggernaut.
  • A Whole New Ballgame
    Whip out the body paint and break out the pork rinds, sports fans, because ESPN and Nielsen are about to crash on your couch, hog the TV, borrow your computer and eat up all your cell phone minutes. 
  • ZunePhone-Killers on Hold
    For all of those folks who waited breathlessly for news about the Google Phone - and we're guessing it's largely that segment of the populace who bought Google at $700 a share - the announcement that there was, in fact, no handset being developed in conjunction with the effort and that it was simply a new Linux-based, open software platform called Android (pleasantly Orwellian-sounding) must have caused a moment or two of consternation.
  • Hey, Watch Where You Stick That Thing
    The military has gotten schooled in online ad placement - the hard way. In October, that bastion of investigative journalism, USA Today, informed recruiters that the Army, Navy and Air Force had placed thousands of ads for recruits on glee.com, a networking Web site for "gays, lesbians, and everyone else."
  • Shopping for Shut-ins
    Those who can't be bothered to try on clothes in the store can give it a whirl online, instead. And they can do it with moose horns and a nose ring, to boot.
  • Shut Your Trap
    When I called a friend of mine, his voicemail recording went something like this: "Sorry I missed your call; please don't leave a message. I never check my voicemail."
  • Word Up
    With the undeniable draw of a video titled "Baby Got Book" (sung to the tune of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back"), GodTube was the fastest-growing Web site among U.S. Internet users for the month of August according to comScore, boasting a growth rate of 973 percent after Rogers and Cowan began a national media marketing push.
  • WebU: Global Tracking System
    Where is your Web site? Most people respond, "On the Internet?" Notice the question mark - they're not even sure it's on the Internet, let alone where or what that actually means. If you aren't sure where your Web site is, how can Google et al know the answer?
  • Search Focus: Once Was Lost
    It would seem to be the perfect pairing: Web design and development join forces to work harmoniously with search to design a holistic, customized user experience. But oftentimes, search is an afterthought and efficiencies are lost because of poor planning. With few (and well-compensated) exceptions, Web designers, copywriters and developers typically aren't trained in the art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  • Markets Focus: The Baby Buggy Brigade Buys
    Searching the Web to reach freshly minted moms
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