by Bob Carrigan on Apr 18, 1:49 PM
Print content is just one stream for forward-thinking Web publishers.
by Lynn Russo on Apr 18, 1:42 PM
Mobile content and ads blur on the podcasting frontier.
by Tina Wells on Apr 18, 1:38 PM
We know that tweens and teens spend the majority of their free time (and even some of their class time) surfing the Internet. Where they're spending that surf time, however, seems to be a big mystery. Well, wonder no more. Teens and tweens are drawn to Web sites that engage them on multiple interactive platforms, hold their ever-shrinking attention span, and give them a reason to come back. Check out some of the sites that have young people's keyboards constantly clicking:
by Larry Dobrow on Apr 18, 1:33 PM
When Ian Schafer left his post as vice president of new media at Miramax Films in 2002, he was frustrated with the company's reluctance to promote its films online. "It's not that they paid no attention to it, but the attention was disproportionate to the amount paid to other media," he explains. "Basically, I started Deep Focus to state my case."
by Christine Bittar on Apr 18, 1:19 PM
Consumers are increasingly aware that they must be proactive when it comes to their health. And there is some evidence that they actually are becoming advocates for their own healthcare. At the very least, it's clear that they're conducting more of their own research online.
by Todd Friesen on Apr 18, 1:11 PM
It's about creating and managing ongoing relationships.
by on Apr 18, 1:01 PM
Q&A with the principal of the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based interactive marketing, Web development, data analytics, and strategic consulting firm.
by Liz Tascio on Apr 18, 12:59 PM
When Sporting News' ended its partnership with Fox Sports last year, the site turned to its 5 million registered users to help grow its desirable young male demographic. Last fall, offered each registered user a free blog, a buddy network, and a ranking, from rookie (one star) to most valued player (five stars). It empowered users to comment on any story on the site and to flag inappropriate posts, which endanger rankings.
by Liz Tascio on Apr 18, 12:57 PM
A podcaster can easily report how many people downloaded his show each day. But how do advertisers know they actually listened? Podbridge says it can tell them. When a listener subscribes to a podcast affiliated with Podbridge, she downloads software (just once) that measures whether she listens, when, and what ads she hears. She also provides -- just once -- anonymous metrics such as her age, location, and listening habits.
by Greg Masters on Apr 18, 12:56 PM
With more than 10 million listeners expected to download podcasts this year, advertisers hope to leverage this new media to reach consumers. San Francisco-based Kiptronic is attempting to simplify the process of matching podcasters with advertisers.