by Ken Ryan on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
The FTC steps in to make sure consumers aren’t confused.
by Paul Gough on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
You’ve got a client who has a product perfect for 18-to-34-year-olds. You know you need to include the Internet in your media plan because this demographic spends a lot of time online, but it’s a big Web and you’ve got a small budget. You’ve got to find the best sites and figure out how many people you want to reach and how often. Welcome to the often-confusing, ever-changing world of online reach and frequency. This isn’t your parents’ R&F. Until the Internet, reach and frequency were simple concepts. Offline, reach is how many different people are exposed to a …
by Steve Smith on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
Is there a way to preserve this industry so that spammers don’t kill it?
by Amy Corr on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
The At-Work Brand Network began with anger and envy. Frustrated by the massive print campaigns that ran earlier in the year touting the proposed Hewlett-Packard/Compaq merger, Scot McLernon, EVP of sales and marketing at CBS Marketwatch, noticed that these companies were spending massive amounts of ad dollars on traditional advertising and almost nothing online. McLernon felt that his website could reach just as many if not more people in an eight-hour workday than his traditional competitors, so he recruited the help of interactive agency Avenue A and decided to approach other branded sites with the idea of establishing a …
by Mark Kecko on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
Last month, while discussing the 302 Redirect, I casually threw around some concepts that I assumed everyone was familiar with. Our readers quickly let me know that media folks, unlike Web developers, speak in English, not code, and I should really take another stab at explaining Web server logs and real-time tracking software (things that allow webmasters, marketing departments, and ad executives to see what’s really happening on their websites). First, the foundation of it all: Web server software. This is what delivers Web pages (typically written in HTML) to Internet browsers like Netscape or Internet Explorer. These Web …
by Amy Corr on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
And then there were two. Now that Jupiter Media Metrix has sold itself off to former competitors in bits and pieces, the online advertising world has just two places to go for Web traffic and audience data: comScore and/or Nielsen//NetRatings. The choices may have narrowed, but there is still plenty of confusion about where to turn for specific info. Consider this the cheat sheet. comScore — comScore acquired Media Metrix’s Internet Audience assessment service for the United States and Canada. Under the new name of comScore Media Metrix (cMM), the service measures audience buying behavior and audience Internet …
by Tig Tillinghast on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
The online world has long been looking for a tool that would allow marketers to figure out where they can place ads to get just the right amount of exposure to different types of people. Look no further than Nielsen//NetRatings, which is in the process of launching its new reach and frequency data program, called WebRF. WebRF is a PC-only program that can be used in a variety of ways. Ad buyers can type in their proposed site lists and budget weight levels to determine what type of overlap they’ll experience from the sites. They will get back charts …
by on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
CRMPharmaceutical Emailby Amy Corr, According to the latest data from Competitive Media Reporting, pharmaceutical houses spent an estimated $296 million on advertising across all media last year. Medicines and proprietary remedies spent a whopping $4.6 billion. Pharmaceutical advertising has been a hot commodity with traditional advertisers, and is now trickling down into the online advertising world, specifically email. In email, pharmaceutical companies have found a cost-efficient and private way to target people with specific ailments. Naturally, email networks and list brokers are jumping through hoops to ensure they have the resources necessary to accommodate these pharmaceutical companies. …
by T. Miller on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
OK, show of hands: Who gives a damn what Kelly Ripa thinks about a particular book? All of you saying "Who’s Kelly Ripa?" aside, I know no hands are up because no one will admit they choose their next read based on what talk show hosts have to say. Even when Queen Oprah was making her bookish decrees, finding someone to acknowledge that they were following her lead was like trying to find someone who could truthfully say they had read John Adams cover to cover. Just as those billions of album sales meant someone was listening to …
by Jim Meskauskas on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
Some feel that it is important to demonstrate how online media is not only like TV, but that it serves as a stepping stone to the phenomenon once heralded as the only way media could go, namely, "convergence." That the online space was already well on its way to delivering on television's promise while incorporating the "killer apps" of interactivity and data-capture. It is simply a matter of the online media space maturing and catching up to television technologically for it to start replicating the television experience. However, I believe, the idea of bringing the Web to TV is …