by Jolyan Herman on Oct 1, 12:00 AM
Anxious about entrusting a month’s worth of work to a man wearing knee socks and shorts? Well, now you can breathe a little easier, knowing that your ad materials are being delivered electronically. You’ve held the hot ad material in your hand, walked to the end of the hall while sealing the gummy fold of the overnight package. Perhaps there’s a sense of relief when you drop the package into that dark box. Perhaps that sense of relief is coupled with anxiety: It will get there on time, right? As many ad traffickers are learning, it is now …
by Sean Carton on Oct 1, 12:00 AM
These days it seems like you can’t swing an old-style corded phone without smacking some publication hyping the wireless web as “The Next Big Thing.” From digital e-conomy trade rags to the popular press, wireless web access has captured the imaginations of users and developers alike. Tons of money is being poured into developing new devices, launching new services, and promoting new sites. But what’s the story behind the hype? What is all this wireless stuff about anyway? And how is it going to affect you, your life, and your business in the future? Let’s start at the …
by John Hallenborg on Oct 1, 12:00 AM
Bilingual portals target a young, fast-growing market. Latinos are hooking up to the Internet in greater numbers, but unlike some other ethnic groups, they have not created high-profile, cultural niches online. However, according to a Forrester Research brief (“Truth About the Digital Divide,” April 2000), among leading ethnic groups in the U.S., Hispanics rank second in terms of household Internet penetration, with 47 percent. This is a jump from 36 percent in January 1999. The brief also reveals that in the last two years, Hispanic-Americans lead all groups in percentage of households purchasing PCs, with 62%. Other U.S. …
by Adam Herman on Oct 1, 12:00 AM
Like traditional package good marketers, media has mastered the art of brand extensions. In broadcast, a short-run ‘60s series called Star Trek eventually spun off syndication stalwarts Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager. More recently, NBC’s Cheers begot Frasier, and Fox made Melrose Place out of Beverly Hills 90210. In network cable, ESPN spawned ESPN2, ESPN Classic Sports, and ESPNEWS. The are numerous magazine examples as well, with arguably the most successful franchise being Time magazine with its progeny People, Entertainment Weekly, and InStyle. For the last 20 or 30 years, these efforts to capitalize on …
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