• NRCC Targets Political Ads Based On District Through Google
    Google has built an AdWords tool enabling politicians to target messages to voters based on Congressional Districts. The tool brings online targeting to neighborhoods -- or rather districts -- using search, display, mobile and video ads specifically within that particular district's border. The National Republican Congressional Committee has already begun using it in five districts.
  • Tracking Trends Through Search Volume, Digg, URL Shortners
    The U.S. debt might not have reached $15.88 trillion if the Federal Reserve had used search data to make better forecasts to determine the depth of the problem. Search engines, however, are not the only companies attempting to develop forecast data. While Twitter taps timelines that allow marketers to see comments on stories, now Bitly and Digg have launched separate tools to analyze similar data.
  • How Google Digs Deep Into Hardware With Wildfire Acquisition
    Another day, another Google acquisition -- but this time the buy focuses on social media. At Wildfire, which the company recently acquired, about 400 employees support 16,000 customers, including 30 of the top 50 brands. Through Wildfire's technology, brands serve marketing and ad campaigns on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. But that's not all when it comes to building out its advertising stack to support new hardware.
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