• Social Media Marketing Essential, But Difficult, For Marketers
    9 in 10 marketers say that social media is important to their business, with the most commonly cited benefits being increased exposure and traffic.
  • How Influential Is An Influencer?
    ...how marketers can incorporate influencer marketing into their toolbox, more people were willing to follow an influencer's recommendation (82%) than an average customer's recommendation (73%).
  • Consumer Shopping Habits Reinvent Retail
    According to the Walker Sands Future of Retail study, the third annual consumer survey has documented the changing habits of today's shoppers as more buying has shifted to e-commerce.
  • Double Down On Dad's Day
    In 1972, President Richard Nixon established a national observance of Father's Day to be held on the third Sunday in June.
  • Blogs And Social Media Help Back-To-School Shoppers
    U.S. adults leading their families' back to school shopping this year, analyzing their shopping habits around three key categories of items: clothing, school supplies and food/snacks, many U.S. families begin their BTS shopping as early as May, and marketers are already ramping up their back to school marketing efforts.
  • Health And Retirement Top Both Men's And Women's Anxieties
    Mars/Venus, Main Street/Wall Street - the differences in characteristics and concerns between men and women are considerable, says the latest Shullman Luxury and Affluence Monthly Study.
  • Web Surfing And TV Watching Going Hand-In-Hand
    this year, 182.9 million Americans will use the internet while watching TV at least once a month, That's 80.3% of internet users.
  • The Best Retailers Will Combine Bricks and Clicks
    Pioneering research into the new economics of multisided platforms, presents a paper concluding that retail profits are plummeting, but the best retailers are those who combine bricks and clicks.
  • 'BuyButtons' Are Not Out Of The Gate
    When Pinterest and Instagram introduced click-to-buy features last summer, (BuyButtons,) the hope was that they'd help brands turn mobile browsers into shoppers.
  • Bluetooth Beacons To Spike Digital Retail
    New data from Juniper Research has found that spending on digital retail marketing is set to increase from $174 billion in 2015, to $362.1 billion by 2020.
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