by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 15, 4:14 PM
Real-time bidding (RTB) aims to fight the blindness and non-click stigma associated with Facebook ads. Marketers may have seen the last of weight-loss ads served to skinny people, dating sites for those married or other frustrating ads that prevent visitors from coming back to the social network, and cost brands time and money.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 14, 2:02 PM
Out of touch? Some 81% of Web sites contain at least five tracking cookies, with Google managing several of the top 25 services: Analytics, AdSense, +1, DoubleClick, and AdWords Conversion. Facebook Social Plugins, Facebook Connect and Twitter Button also made it to the top of the list, according to a study released this week. With comScore's estimate that Internet users spend 20% of online time in social networks, it's important to understand that marketers collect data even when site visitors don't Like, Tweet, or +1 anything.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 13, 2:25 PM
Failures in search are not always apparent, but some related to voice can be found by exploring automatic speech recognition. Researchers at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) introduced a new project this week focused on exploring ASR to understand the limitations and challenges, and will use the findings to lead new methods for improving the technology. Some improvements in ASR will support voice-related search.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 12, 12:55 PM
A recent post by SEO Book founder Aaron Wall got me thinking again about top level domain names (TLDs), again. I wrote a couple of articles based on gTLDs. One explains how Google might monetize them. Then I read Wall's interview with Microsoft Bing's Duane Forrester, where he asked about Microsoft offering TLD-based filters.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 11, 1:47 PM
Despite fears about limited creative opportunities, privacy issues, device fragmentation, lack of standard metrics and agency expertise, mobile display and search ads continue to grow in popularity for a few unexpected brands. They are taking advantage of the proliferation of mobile devices. Andy Rubin, who heads up development of Google's smartphone operating system, tweeted Sunday on Twitter that there are more than 900,000 Android devices activated daily.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 8, 1:44 PM
Complexities in multichannel advertising, between offline and online, kept the ad industry from bridging the gap sooner. Not until recently did search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo learn how to use member log-in identification codes to target ads across television, desktop and mobile. But the world of tech continues to turn, taking consumers along for the ride.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 7, 1:00 PM
After some controversy surrounding Convertro's white paper on cookie stuffing, I decided to add a different perspective to the term, which carries a ton of baggage. The original list, updated several times before the company settled on a final 10, offers insights into attribution. Some industry folks seemed concerned that the point of view attempted to tie the original meaning of the controversial topic to a new definition by coining it 2.0.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 6, 2:45 PM
Google's brass ring to design a complete stack of services for advertisers and marketers through DoubleClick Digital Marketing (DDM) would give publishers, agencies and marketers one dashboard to access a variety of tools, eventually bringing it more of the billions in advertising that are still spent offline. But the complicated project could have serious flaws.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 5, 12:42 PM
Perception counts for both world and local views. The Internet gave consumers a broad perspective to reach across the globe, and now it brings us closer to home. Some 85% of the world's population will have Internet access via 3G by 2017, supporting close to 9 billion mobile subscriptions, compared with 6 billion by the end of 2011, according to Ericsson's Traffic and Market Report - On the Pulse of the Networked Society.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 4, 10:49 AM
Media companies know a thing or two about economics forcing change. In Sunday's 'Orange County Register,' syndicated columnist Mark Steyn muses on world economics and how the working years of Western civilization continue to shrink. Take a line or two of what he writes out of context, and the sentiment applies to the shifts in online advertising, marketing and journalism. He believes "too many citizens of advanced Western democracies live a life they have not earned, and are not willing to earn."