Broadcast television held steady at about 20% of total viewing time among TV audiences.
A new Hub Research Entertainment survey finds 53% of respondents view advertising video-on-demand services as having an ad experience that is "a lot better" or "a little better."
A Hub Entertainment Research study finds 19% of respondents "might/might not" have ad-supported services in a year vs. 10% who "might/might not" have ad-free services.
Consumers - especially young consumers - want streaming "bundles" to be more than just TV-video programming, according to a new study from Hub Entertainment Research.
The financial industry including insurance companies slashed spending on ad-supported streaming services.
Three in five media buyers said they spend on FAST channels to target a specific audience.
Granular metadata have become more important as content distribution moves away from exclusive license agreements.
Streaming growth has crowded out the portion of subscribers to more traditional TV services such as cable or satellite.
Ad-supported services from Netflix and Disney+ have helped to increase viewing time of streaming video with commercial breaks.
Ninety percent of ad-supported streaming viewers also watch linear TV,
Streaming services that don't charge a subscription fee are gaining viewers.
Netflix has the widest reach in the United States with CTV app usage among 53% of households.
Most viewers are looking for a more traditional "lean-back" viewing experience when they watch streamed programming.
Brand power measures how well a brand has built consumer interest in installing an app.
Economic pressures on advertising revenue are expected to force media companies to limit spending growth for programming.
Smart TVs posted the biggest increase in streaming time, with a 34% yearly gain during the first quarter.
TiVo's latest survey finds nearly a quarter of North American adults have scanned a QR code or tapped an interactive ad. But under 60% consider AVOD content to be good/very good.
News captured more hours of viewing time than movies (21%) and entertainment (9%).