by Joe Mandese on Dec 31, 1:27 PM
The most-read and least-heeded "Red, White & Blog" columns of 2024 plotted on our trademark "truthiness" vs. "trending" axis.
by Joe Mandese on Dec 23, 11:14 AM
On the heels of my "Nine Seconds To Midnight" post, Media Matters this morning named intimidation its "Misinformer of the Year." It's an inspired choice, but just one tactic in a more encompassing info war undermining the role of legitimate news organizations.
by Joe Mandese on Dec 20, 12:10 PM
No, the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" has not moved the Doomsday Clock forward to nine seconds to midnight, though I think it very well could when it makes its 2025 unveiling next month. Assuming, we're still around by then.
by James Forr on Dec 13, 12:15 PM
Selling a candidate is no different than selling socks, soap, or soda. Whether Democrats move right or left makes no difference if they can't market themselves in a way that attracts voters' attention, arouses their emotions, and makes them care.
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