by Joe Mandese on Jan 30, 2:09 PM
Just as the NFL appears to be recovering from being treated like a political kickball, it's about to flame political debate once again during Sunday's Super Bowl. Maybe, or maybe not, on the playing field, but definitely among the field of advertisers in the Big Game. While two billionaires -- Michael Bloomberg and the President -- have spent $11 million each to run campaign commercials during the game, most Americans (63%) don't consider it appropriate, according to a Morning Consult poll fielded earlier this month.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 22, 3:02 PM
The President's impeachment trial got off in earnest Wednesday, beginning with House Manager Adam Schiff putting one of America's most popular media celebrities on the stand: Hamilton.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 16, 9:00 AM
For a guy who announced his candidacy less than five months ago, Republican presidential candidate Joe Walsh isn't doing that bad in terms of word-of-mouth, especially when you consider he has spent almost no money on paid media, and lacks the significant campaign funding of rivals in either party. He is now generating organic conversations that stack him somewhere between Democrats Buttigieg and Andrew Yang and Tom Steyer.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 9, 10:03 AM
It's been nearly two years since I deactivated Facebook and I don't miss it. Professionally, I can't get away from it. Societally, I think we'd all be better off without it. I'm not alone.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 2, 3:49 PM
Based on a survey of American consumers conducted by PR firm Bospar, the biggest net gain of the major American political figures was former First Lady Michelle Obama, followed closely by her husband, former President Barack Obama.
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