by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 31, 12:11 PM
Barack Obama's role during the Trump administration is yet to be determined. Having left office with a nearly 60% approval rating, many Americans will follow the political aims he advances in future.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 30, 11:49 AM
These vastly opposite reactions to Trump's order strike at the core of a growing division in America's social fabric - exemplified by the tension between "America First" and America for all.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 27, 12:59 PM
President Donald J. Trump's first week in office was marred by intense clashes with the national press over pettiness like Inauguration Day crowd size and the more serious issue of (nonexistent) voter fraud.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 26, 12:41 PM
President Donald Trump has changed the way American voters conceive of and interact with the White House. The starkest example of this is the continuous stream of tweets. He has yet to move from campaign mode to presidential leadership.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 25, 12:37 PM
In the past eight years, we had become accustomed to a normal sequence of events -- bolstered by the thoughtful demeanor of President Obama. Many may not realize how quickly the new Trump administration and Republican Congress are changing the spirit of our country.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 24, 11:49 AM
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer got his first taste of answering questions in the press room yesterday afternoon. Those hoping for a few fiery exchanges were not disappointed.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 22, 12:33 PM
If the first 100 days of his presidency are anything like the first two, Donald Trump could well go down in history as the deviator in chief. By that, I don't just mean a deviation from researchable facts -- you know, the truth -- but from quantifiable statistics.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 20, 12:26 PM
Entering a new era of American and world history on Inauguration Day, a sense of uncertainty envelops our nation. What will the next four years bring? Will we close ourselves off from the rest of the world, tightening immigration policies and engendering conflict through confrontational trade and military positions?
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 19, 12:58 PM
In yet another illustration of the widening ideological chasm in our national politics, Pew Research found that 40% of Trump voters identified Fox News as their main source of election news. In contrast, 3% of Clinton voters designated Fox News.
by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 18, 11:38 AM
MediaPost had its own political postmortem yesterday in Washington, D.C., bringing together top strategists and vendors from both sides of the aisle to discuss what worked and what didn't in the 2016 campaign season.