by Frank O'Brien on May 19, 8:15 AM
The survey's findings were pretty significant: 32% of online teenagers (and 43% of social-networking teens) have been contacted online by complete strangers and 17% of online teens (31% of social networking teens) have "friends" on their social network profile who they have never personally met!
by Jeffrey K. Rohrs on May 12, 7:58 AM
Do not mistake a teen's Facebook profile as a reflection of who they are so much as a reflection of how they want to be seen.
by GianCarlo Pitocco on May 5, 8:24 AM
Research like the report Forrester put out last month reminds us that Facebook and other social channels aren't as single-minded as they're often painted. Knowing your target audience is still an essential part of any marketing initiative. Let's not forget what matters to our teen audience.
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