by Frank Riolo on Nov 29, 10:00 AM
It's official - teens are using Facebook less often. It's a trend that most marketers have been privy to for a while now, however Facebook CFO David Ebersman's acknowledgement of it following the release of the company's third quarter earnings has confirmed what was already being speculated. It should come as no surprise to anyone. While analysts and reporters may be overacting just a tad, teen obsessions rarely last more than a decade. It's the reason why bell bottoms weren't popular in the '80s, leg warmers disappeared in the '90s and flannel fell off in the early 2000s. Why should …
by Melanie Shreffler on Nov 21, 9:38 AM
Teens are the gatekeepers of cool, always willing to try new things and setting the standard for what's hot and what's not. They are early adopters and an important barometer for brands. Following are a few trends we're seeing take off with teens, pointing to what will be hot or not on the horizon. While some present challenges for youth marketers, some also offer opportunities for us to better understand and reach today's teens.
by Crystal Bennett on Nov 14, 11:30 AM
What are CPG brands doing with their packaging to successfully connect with teen audiences? They need to get to know their consumers. How do they interact with the product, store it, use it, share it, purchase it, discard of it? Take all of this into account with the design.
by Aaron Paquette on Nov 7, 9:50 AM
When I was a teen, my friends and I couldn't wait to get our own cars. We begged our parents to teach us how to drive, help us get our driver's licenses and buy our first cars. It was a rite of passage that was as American as baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and, well...Chevrolet.
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