by Denise Restauri on Jan 26, 8:36 AM
This is the time of the girl - we've seen it coming, and it's here. Global organizations focusing on girl "upliftment," serving future family "upliftment" is working. There are now more girls in U.S. universities than boys.
by Anna Banks on Jan 19, 6:22 AM
How the use of technology in the educational experience will change marketing expectations.
by Laurie Patrei on Jan 12, 6:36 AM
It's no surprise that engaging teens in general is difficult- their attention spans are among the lowest of all age groups. And when you add to the mix a highly controversial, sometimes confusing subject such as politics, your likelihood of engagement becomes even lower.
by Sara Arnell on Jan 5, 8:16 AM
The idea of group occupation has been around for a long time, dating back to protests in the form of takeovers and sit-ins throughout modern history, all in the name of social progress. Invigorated recently by Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and all of its offshoots, the idea of "occupy" is a word that has new relevance to teens and those who want to connect with them.
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