by Eric Pakurar on Jun 28, 8:09 AM
Now that school's out for summer-if not technically out for forever, as noted American philosopher Vincent Damon Furnier (a.k.a. Alice Cooper) once opined-it's worthwhile to consider the media consumption habits of teens during the dog days of the season.
by Ethelbert Williams on Jun 21, 6:37 AM
"Showrooming" has become common vernacular in the retail environment as consumers trot down retail aisles comparing prices, looking up reviews and sometimes purchasing directly on mobile devices. Brands and retailers alike must recognize mobile screens as a complementary channel to educate and win a consumer's business in the digital and physical retail environments. Millennial women are a segment leading the trends around mobile devices as the ubiquitous shopping companion to inform every step along her journey to find that season's pair of shoes, a new computer or the perfect Father's Day gift.
by Lisa Glover on Jun 14, 5:49 AM
When teens want to post pictures and connect with friends, they'll go to Facebook. When they want to find out what new promotions Starbucks is having, or get a quick snapshot of what is going on in the world, they'll scan through Twitter. When they want to establish a professional network, they turn to LinkedIn. Identifying which channel your brand will be most accepted on and will provide you with the best ROI is only half the battle in advertising. In 2009, a study conducted by the e-mail marketing firm eROI showed that "83% of college students use Facebook, 65% …
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