by Alex Realmuto on Sep 26, 9:47 AM
Living in New York City really forces one to appreciate the concept of personal space, and ironically, makes people want to share less. According to CNN Money, New Yorkers have an average of 1,010 square feet of personal space per person. That's not very roomy and likely leads to oversharing between housemates and friends.
by Melanie Shreffler on Sep 19, 10:40 AM
A new study published in the journal "Pediatrics" reports that TV viewing is down significantly in the past decade among 6th through 10th graders (aged 11 to 16). In 2001-02, teens reported watching 3.1 hours of TV per day, slightly less on weekdays and slightly more on weekends. TV viewing has been on a steady decline during the past decade, and by 2009-10, the study finds TV viewing was down to 2.4 hours per day, a nearly 25% drop. Nielsen's numbers agree.
by Aaron Paquette on Sep 12, 10:50 AM
If you've been watching the news lately, you may have noticed the bleak headlines about teen unemployment. "Teen employment hits record lows," one article states. "The lost generation," another article proclaims about today's youth.
by Crystal Bennett on Sep 5, 1:53 PM
I remember the first time I saw the line of Secret's "Mean Stinks" deodorants while running through Target, and I actually stopped in my tracks. What is that? Is it a mistake? Wow, the brand is taking a bold stand against high school/college bullying and that is the manifestation of the campaign on pack. When I returned to my laptop that evening, I became obsessed with Mean Stinks - the booming online community, the blue pinky challenge, celeb endorsements. Brilliant.
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