by Eric Pakurar on May 24, 12:18 PM
Plenty has been written about the value of word of mouth in the marketing communications mix. McKinsey, for example, reports that 67% of purchase decisions are influenced primarily by word of mouth. All well and good. Brands need to account for word of mouth in their communications plans. Check.
by Ethelbert Williams on May 17, 12:46 PM
Less than 50% of Millennials are well informed on skin cancer and its causes. That's according to a recent study we conducted in support of May's Skin Cancer Awareness Month.
by Frank Riolo on May 10, 5:42 AM
There are very few minds more complicated than those of the American teenager's. The next two months will bring with them the biggest moment in the short, fragile lives of millions of high school students around the country - graduation day. Whether they downplay it or not, even teenagers realize that the steps they take after leaving high school are some of the most important decisions of their lives. With that said, it leaves colleges responsible for some of the most clever and attention-grabbing branding of any product out there. Let's face it, a college is just that: a product. …
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