• The New Agile Political Media Campaign Cycle
    It's a matter of months, not years, of campaign spending, because the biggest factor now is what happens organically in the political news cycle leading up to an election.
  • Yes She Can!
    Kamala Harris has the super powers necessary to beat Trump: She's the underdog; people underestimate her; she's tenacious, and she's on the right side of a binary choice about our future.
  • Let Me Get My Shoes
    It probably won't register in the annals of presidential quotes, but at least now we know what Trump may be thinking when he's in near death crisis mode.
  • Apropos Of Nothing: Article I, Section 9, Clause 8
    No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
  • All The News Fit To Oust A President
    In less than a week, The New York Times has gone from editorializing that Joe Biden should leave the race to a series of stories implying he's thinking and talking to confidants about it.
  • All The Slime Unfit For Print
    "Pink Slime" -- aka Russian disinformation sites -- now outnumber the number of authentic local daily newspaper sites published in the U.S., according to just-published data from NewsGuard.
  • Why Trump's Conviction Doesn't Turn Any Prediction Keys
    The keys I'm talking about here are 13 proven to win the White House. A challenger candidate's scandal -- even a felony conviction -- isn't one of them.
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