Observations On Generation Z
    When I ask my son what nationality he thinks he is, his answer is interesting: "Mexican," he says, though he was born in New York at the turn of this century. When I ask him what defines him as Mexican, the answer gets a bit nebulous and includes words like "soul" and "food...." What language does he prefer? English, but he's perfectly comfortable speaking in Spanish. When I ask him if he feels American, the answer is: "I guess?!" When prodded even further, all I get is an irritated, "I'm human, okay? Why is my nationality so important to people …
    The Latinspired Strategy: A Novel Way to Capitalize On The Bigger Latin Opportunity
    Everybody in the marketing world that hasn't been living under a rock knows about the huge and growing Latino market in the U.S. If you are looking to capitalize on it you probably have heard all about the $1.3 trillion buying power, the 52 million Latinos, etc. You are probably very excited about this fantastic market opportunity, but then you stop and ask yourself the question: How do I go about capitalizing on it?
    Major League Baseball Hits A 'Jonron' With Online Hispanics
    Earlier this week, Venezuelan Jos Lobatn and Dominican Juan Uribe were the heroes of the 2013 Major League Baseball playoffs as they smacked game-winning home runs in crucial games for the Tampa Bay Rays and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. According to Fox News Latino, 27% of MLB players are of "Hispanic Background," making baseball the most Hispanic sport from a player perspective.
    English-only Hispanic Advertising
    Almost all Hispanic advertising shares one thing - the Spanish language. Hispanic marketing is big business, involving organizations from all segments of society and our economy. Yet, almost all Hispanic advertising involves Spanish in some way.
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