Spanish, The Divine Language
    The latest research suggests that even though more Hispanics than ever before are getting their news in English, use of the Spanish language is hardly on the decline: According to the Pew Research Center, a record 37.6 million persons aged five and up speak Spanish in the home. In fact, Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in the U.S.-including in 2.8 million non-Hispanic households!
    Viva La Latinas! They Are Driving The Online Market
    When it comes to the online Hispanic market, Latinas are in the driver's seat. At least that's the impression I got by reading "Latina Power Shift," a new study by Nielsen that paints a crystal clear picture of the growing importance of Latinas in the U.S.
    Marketing Premium Brands
    Premium brands, whether they are traditional luxury brands in the fashion category such as Coach and Prada, or those in more traditional categories, such as automotive, spirits or retail, rarely, if ever, pursue the U.S. Hispanic market.
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