by Aleena Astorga Roeschley on Sep 25, 1:00 PM
There is a variety of strategies on how to best advertise to Hispanic targets. While some tactics can be effective, many are built on myths that no longer particularly work. It's easy to stereotype an audience, and then address them as such. But the 55 million individual Hispanic consumers in the U.S. are definitely not monolithic, nor should they be stereotyped.
by Mario Carrasco on Sep 24, 2:27 PM
Reflecting back on the 18-month Hispanic millennial project that had five waves (four new mini-waves are slated for the rest of 2015 and early 2016), I realized that we had tons of data that didn't rise to prominence because there was just so much to be highlighted. As I dove into our most recent wave, Media/Technology/Digital Trends, I realized that there was an unexplored facet to this research, Spanish-language music.
by Jose Villa on Sep 17, 11:00 AM
This time of year everyone comes out with lists of the biggest trends of the past year or bold predictions for the upcoming one. However, you can often forego bold predictions by paying close attention and adapting to big changes taking place right before our eyes. Using this lens, here are eight seismic changes to the Hispanic market that occurred in 2014, with huge implications for how to engage Hispanics in 2015 and beyond:.
by Jake Beniflah, Brian Hughes on Sep 15, 3:00 PM
Virtually every leading corporation in the U.S. today views the Hispanic population as a growth segment. Hispanics make up 55 million and are projected to almost triple in size by 2050. Their purchasing power of more than $1.2 trillion in 2013 is growing, and more and more counties, cities, and states are becoming "minority" majorities across the country.
by Lee Vann on Sep 10, 10:00 AM
In 2011, I stressed that mobile was a must for reaching U.S. Hispanics. Back then, few brands were proactively targeting U.S. Hispanics on their mobile devices despite the growing evidence that Hispanics were becoming mobile first consumers.
by Holly Pavlika on Sep 4, 11:00 AM
Latina women are known for their beauty. Top of mind, of course, is J Lo and Shakira. So it should not be a surprise that the 2015 Siempre Mujer Hispanic Beauty Study found that Latina women and Millennial Latinas are highly engaged in the beauty category.
by Jose Villa on Sep 3, 10:00 AM
Millennials are generally believed to be the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in American history. Hispanics (20%), African-Americans (14%) and Asians (6%) make up 40% of the total millennial population. This diversity underpins the notion of the bicultural millennial, a young consumer straddling two worlds, balancing their cultural lives with their mainstream integration into popular culture. Yet, lost in the buzz around bicultural millennials is the growing multiracial U.S. population truly living in two worlds at home and in society.
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