by Scott Marden on Oct 30, 1:45 PM
A savvy marketer will not only examine the Hispanic market, but will also take a closer look at Hispanic-American parents. This demographic often paints a picture of ambiguity for retailers, although, with a little understanding of Hispanic parents and their spending habits, deals, discounts and products can be marketed accordingly.
by Jose Villa on Oct 23, 1:30 PM
SU2C has approached the Hispanic market deliberately and thoughtfully, looking at building long-term relationships with this important community instead of a reactive, one-time touch point. Organizations looking at entering the Hispanic market can learn from SU2C's research-driven, phased approach.
by Alicia Morga on Oct 16, 2:45 PM
As the presidential race switches into high gear, both candidates would do well to use some online marketing techniques to effectively reach highly coveted Hispanic voters. The presidential candidates need Hispanic voters. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are racing to boost their popularity among the much talked-about "Latino vote" -- and this year promises to draw Hispanics to the polls in record numbers.
by Rudy Duthil on Oct 9, 1:00 PM
A huge part of the American way of life is going out - hitting what I call lifestyle destinations and events. While these lifestyle venues can be a huge opportunity to tap into the Hispanic market, it's important to understand that you cannot target this demographic without a strategic approach.
by Jose Villa on Oct 2, 3:00 PM
We should spend an equal amount of time investing in and showcasing our industry's indisputable ability to generate business results for our clients by driving sales via direct response and retail advertising. If we do that, we'll see both our DR and branding budgets increase and really show the industry the power of the U.S. Hispanic market.
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