• What Men Don't Want
    So Lisa, from Waco, Texas, is manning the 2007 Media Conference survey site courtesy of Houston-based Touchpoll, right outside the entrance to the exhibit hall. And from her vantage point, she's hit on a postmodern consumer truth, which we all need s...
  • Bundling Could Be Bungling
    Group M North America chief Marc Goldstein took a no-holds-barred stance Thursday against any suggestions that the old days of creative and media buying/planning housed in the same shop should make a comeback. "Strategic planning is done best whe...
  • Lack of diversity in discussion about media diversity
    The diversity of the attendees watching a panel about diversity at the 4 A’s media conference was compromised when seemingly about 60% of the room’s convention-goers left for a coffee break - or other activities -- after a key note address from...
  • Meanwhile, A Gondolier Ride Across The Ocean…
    Even as Madison Avenue’s media leaders are meeting here in Vegas at a casino and hotel dubbed the Venetian, a rival effort to start an international media festival in the real deal –Venice, Italy – was making some noise, announcing that legenda...
  • Pssst! Here’s Some News That’s Not Likely To Stay In Vegas
    It’s official. This is AAAA chief O. Burtch Drake’s last media conference. He said so in his opening remarks at this morning’s general session here. On the other hand, if people honor the city’s advertising theme, nobody may ever know about t...
  • Pssst! Here’s Some News That’s Not Likely To Stay In Vegas
    It’s official. This is AAAA chief O. Burtch Drake’s last media conference. He said so in his opening remarks at this morning’s general session here. On the other hand, if people honor the city’s advertising theme, nobody may ever know about t...
  • Second Life, After Death
    If the metaphors P&G marketing chief Jim Stengel uses to set up his keynotes are any indication, then Madison Avenue’s focus has shifted from DVR angst to virtuosity. Three years ago when Stengel last spoke at an AAAA media conference, he started o...
  • Robin From The Rich, Not Giving At The Door
    It’s Thursday morning on the second day of the AAAA’s media conference here and the early buzz is that the show is drawing a good turn out despite a lackluster agenda. But unlike years past, few big names are in two -- P&G CMO Jim Stengel...
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