by Gavin O'Malley on Jun 13, 12:25 PM
Returning to click fraud, panelists are discussing ways to "inoculate" oneself from its ever-present threat. "Hold your vendors accountable, and tell them you have a zero tolerance policy [for fraud]," Gabe Gottlieb, CEO of Adomic (formerly YieldMetrics), told attendees of MediaPost's RTB Insider Summit on Friday. "That really drives fear into them." The trick is "adopting full transparency," said Charlie Fiordalis, Managing Director of Digital at Media Storm. "Agree on what the campaign entails, and then have that guaranteed by a third party," he suggested. Dumb or not, don't be afraid to "Ask questions ... especially if something doesn't feel …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jun 13, 11:21 AM
In the market for a solid ad automation platform, i.e., one that can make more of your existing inventory? Well, Randy White, Vice President of Media Services at, couldn't be happier with Rubicon Project. About 5 years after teaming up with ad tech firm, CareerBuilder has seen about a 400% improvement in its effective CPM, White told those in attendance for MediaPost's RTB Insider Summit on Friday. (For the record, White was sitting right next to Kaylie Smith, head of Rubicon's Seller Cloud.) Appeasing Smith or not, White insisted: "We've become incredibly efficient." Part of that process has included …
by Joe Mandese on Jun 13, 11:14 AM
Jason Fairchild, co-founder of OpenX, knows how to get the attention of traders on either side of the supply/sell table: Cite some irrefutable data on the logic of creating a unified marketplace of digital supply and demand that will create the greatest value for both sides. Specifically, he cited a startling pricing data point: $1,300. That was what a trader bid through OpenX's RTB exchange for an impression on a publisher's site, which compared with a $10 yield the publisher would have gotten by selling it direct.
by Jon Mandel on Jun 13, 10:38 AM
Claudia Perlich, Chief Scientist of Dstillery, shed some light on the right way to look at the digital behavioral data marketers use to target consumers during the "Rewiring" panel at the RTB Insider Summit on Kiawah Island, SC. And she used a light to do it. Noting that raw "clicks" aren't necessarily the best metric to use for that, Perlich said, "If you want clicks, throw ads on the flashlight app [on smartphones]," she said, adding, "The are a whole lot of people fumbling in the dark."
by Gavin O'Malley on Jun 13, 10:25 AM
Is the purchase funnel (a.k.a., the path to purchase) nothing more than a marketing myth? Well, despite being "a great mental image, it's impossible to find any such thing," according to Claudia Perlich, Chief Scientist at Dstillery (formerly Media6Degrees). Slightly qualifying her statement, she told attendees of MediaPost's RTB Insider Summit on Friday: I'm sure [the purchase funnel] exists; I just can't see it with [the data] I am given." Added Perlich: "They exist once in a while, but to make it operational, that's the part when everything falls apart." Therefore, she and her colleagues would be "hesitant to say …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jun 12, 1:05 PM
Beyond scale and other buying efficiencies, programmatic's true value may lie in its resistance to guilt, peer pressure, and other human influences. "Machines never ask the question, 'Why didn't I get on the buy?'" Joe Mandese, editor-in-chief of MediaPost, reminded RTB Summit attendees, on Thursday. Aggravating (and unrelenting) as such questions may be, however, brands and agencies insist that human emotions and relationships don't factor into their business decisions. Before any commitments are made, there "needs to be a unique buying opportunity," Mike Searles, Digital Marketing Director at Staples, said Thursday. Keri Demarino, Director of Planning (on the Staples account) …
by Joe Mandese on Jun 12, 12:17 PM
That's what RTB Insider Summit "Creative" panel moderator Tom Beeby, executive creative officer and principal of Beeby, Clark + Meyler suggested could -- or more to the point, should -- happen next. Beeby said creatives should have a place on every industry panel discussion about data, even the programmatic uses of data, and he went so far as to suggest that major industry awards shows like the Cannes Lions should have a category recognizing the best uses of data in generating creative ideas and executions.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jun 12, 12:06 PM
Data makes the difference. Joe Mandese, MediaPost editor in chief, asks panelists if I'm a Staples customer, but I'm not in the loyalty program how do you reach me? Mike Searles, digital marketing director at Staples, explains the company work with partners to on-board data and buy ads against it. The amount of data makes the difference. It gives the company the ability to find consumer buying notepads, for example. Panelists stressed that the only reason the company can do that is because they leverage the mounds of data.
by Gavin O'Malley on Jun 12, 11:24 AM
Tom Beeby, Executive Creative Officer and Principal at Beeby, Clark + Meyler, imagines a world where creatives crowd into conferences dedicated to data-driven advertising (like MediaPost's RTB Insider Summit); a world where they're encouraged to live and breath data, and show off their creativity by using data in new and inventive ways; a world where CLIO awards are given to creatives for driving data-driven innovations. Until then, the industry will continue to miss out on data's full potential, Beeby told Summit attendees, on Thursday. Speaking for many in attendance, Christian Bonilla, Activation Director and Partner at MEC, admitted: "There is …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jun 12, 10:48 AM
If programmatic's so great, why can't it rid the industry of click fraud? That's the question Jen Brady, founder & CEO of Fred & Associates, had for panelists at MediaPost's RTB Insider Summit, on Thursday. "It's still happening!" said Brady. Of course, it's still happening, said Christopher Hansen President of Netmining. "Fraud is everywhere." Rather than a cure, programmatic can help honest brands and publishers participate in a "remediation process," which Hansen likens to "pulling weeds." What's more, there are now companies that specialize in spotting and pulling out such weeds. "We can license their technology, and [said technology] prevents …