by Gavin O'Malley on Apr 14, 3:21 PM
In digital out-of-home, there’s presently $20 billion in unsold inventory. So says Jason Kates, Chief Executive Officer of analytics firm rVue. Why is so much money being left on the table? For the most part, market inefficiencies and a general misunderstanding of DOOH-related initiatives on the part of agencies. (A member of the audience added that lack of demand remains a big issue.) Kates, for his part, sees this all as a huge opportunity for DOOH providers, agencies and brands. Exactly how Kates arrived at the $20 billion figure, he didn't say.
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 1:54 PM
So here's the problem with raw blogging an amazing live event that captivates you so much you don't want to take your eyes off the presenter long enough to type notes on your computer or on a blog page. And that's just what happened while Ricardo Rivera, founder of Klip Collective, was presenting at the Digital Out-of-Home Forum. Rivera, who is part artist, part digital communications creator, was invited by IPG Media Lab chief Brian Monahan to present as part of the All The World's A Screen panel, and I've got to tell you, what he does is freakin amazing. …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 1:42 PM
That's how IPG Media Lab chief Brian Monahan kicked off the afternoon session of MediaPost's Digital Out-of-Home Media Forum in New York Monahan, who is presenting, and then leading a panel discussion around the theme, "When All The World's A Screen," is showing examples of how new digital technologies are quite literally making the entire world a screen, including one that can project a touch-sensitive screen on the air. Did you read what I just said, ON THE AIR. No, I don't mean on the air, like broadcast TV. I mean literally, in the three-dimensional world of the air around …
by Gavin O'Malley on Apr 14, 11:50 AM
Tony Jarvis, Creative Director at Olympic Media Consultancy, just summed up the purpose of today’s conference in one question: How do digital out-of-home providers get more agency green? The answer? From malls to offices to stores, get agencies to truly understand the potential of different environments, said Dave Barnett, Director of Account Services at Kinetic. He’d also like to see more customized and comprehensive research on specific environments, ideally including the unique experiences of multiple brands. Paul Lenhart, VP and OOH Strategist at Zenithmedia, wants to see more purpose to digital OOH campaigns, and quantifiable and qualitative proof of their …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 11:16 AM
That was another important point that Mindshare’s Michael Souza made during the “What Does It Take Panel.” “I think creativity is huge,” he said, noting that the ability to get creative shops psyched about the potential to tell a story with a new medium or platform is critical to a campaign’s – and a media plan’s – success. Souza says he always advises vendors to meet with his creative agency counterparts to explain what their medium can do to help their brands tell their stories. In other words, if you get some buy-in from the creative teams, you’re …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 11:01 AM
That was the top-down view that Mindshare Managing Director Michael Souza offered during the "What Does It Take" (to get digital out-of-home on the media plan) panel this morning. Souza's point is that agencies like Mindshare don't really think about screens in discrete silos anymore, but as part of an integrated whole. "What is our screen strategy," he posed, citing, "TV, online, out-of-home" and "yada, yada, yada." Not sure what all those yadas are exactly, but I have a feeling Apple is working on an iYada, even as I post this.
by Gavin O'Malley on Apr 14, 10:39 AM
Say you’ve invested millions of dollars getting touch-screens into retail stores nationwide, but no one’s actually touching the things! Turns out it’s quite a common issue, but one that Trevor Kaufman, CEO of Possible Worldwide, insists can be resolved. First, show the digital silhouettes of people touching and interacting with the screens. What’s good enough for a digital representation of a human should be good enough for the real thing. Next, be sure to tilt the touchable screens by at least a few degrees. For reasons that Kaufman couldn’t quite explain, consumers seem to take the tilt as confirmation that …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 10:26 AM
That's right, I said wireframe, as in the process that technology developers use to design media platforms like Web sites, mobile apps, etc. And it struck me while Trevor Kaufman was delivering his keynote about how Possible Worldwide redesigned client Target's stores based on its Web site designs, using the site's color schemes. They even placed headers on tops of aisles to inform shoppers what they could find in each aisle. Kaufman asked the audience at MediaPost's Digital Out-of-Home Forum if they knew what those headers were based on? Not to brag, but I'm the one who gave …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 10:18 AM
Yep, opening Digital Out-of-Home Forum keynoter, Possible Worldwide chief Trevor Kaufman, says digital out of home isn't so hot. Actually, he said, "Frankly, we don't care about digital out-of-home." Huh? Isn't this the agency (formerly Schematic) that has been leading the way into our "Minority Report" future? Well, yeah, but it isn't about digital, so much as the kind of behavior digital media can enable. "What I'm interested in, is interactive out-of-home." Kaufman said that the Internet has already demonstrated that the value of digital media is not "distribution" per se, so much as it is about getting people …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 14, 10:00 AM
Actually, Sullivan was responding to PQ Media's Patrick Quinn's question about the value of digital out-of-home aggregation and planning systems, and he said it's all about the "left side of the brain." By that, Sullivan was referring to the neuroscientific principle that the left-side of human brains tend to control process-oriented things, while the right-side influences creative thinking. "I don't want to allocate time, staff money, to those types of things," Sullivan said, referring to the "mundane," task-oriented, data-inputting processes necessary for constructing a digital out-of-home media plan. "What I really need to do is open up …