by Tameka Kee on Jul 24, 2:01 PM
Mark Westlake, EVP of Sales and Content for HowStuffWorks said that a significant amount of traffic to the brand's auto pages was routed from religious sites!
by Laurie Petersen on Jul 24, 12:51 PM
I caught up with Tacoda CEO Curt Viebranz before his panel and he gave me some insight to the timing of how the deal with AOL came together.
by Laurie Petersen on Jul 24, 8:58 AM
I talked to Harun Asad, director of AOL Media Networks, who said the timing is a complete surprise. He's been working with AOL partner Revenue Science on some thought leadership research about consumer attitudes toward behavioral marketing.
by Steve Smith on Jul 23, 12:23 PM
eMarketer is estimating that in 2008 spending on behaviorally targeted advertising will hit $1 billion, almost doubling this year's estimated $575 million. BT has arrived, but many in the industry as still trying to figure out what behavioral is and where it fits in their marketing mix.
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