by Karl Greenberg on Sep 19, 3:56 PM
Todd Sussman, management Supervisor, MRM Worldwide says the new social media worked changed culture at Intel's marketing department. "There is no linear path to how the tech guy learns no technology. They are bouncing around and every day. We want to be able to catch them in this various places, which was the point of in-banner chat." He says MRM created concept with Itopia, educating on Intel's products creating this concept, Itopia, chatin one to one dialogue: what makes it difficult for you to be IT manager. Then we can show you how our product can benefit. First tell us …
by Karl Greenberg on Sep 19, 3:48 PM
Todd Sussman, management Supervisor, MRM Worldwide on Intel digital/social media campaign aimed at IT pros. (sorry for no caps, etc.) "In the old model they were forcing IT guys to learn products from top down, watered down comms, through marketing department. we asked Intel how we could close that gap. How can we close the gap between IT manager and the guy who actually built the product. A couple of years ago, we worked with SlashDot and built a forum, and for eight weeks and every week had a different topic, opened the week with a blog, and said, "ask …
by Karl Greenberg on Sep 19, 3:42 PM
Dr. Augustine Fou, SVP, Digital Strategist, MRM Worldwide Todd Sussman, management Supervisor, MRM Worldwide. This B-to-B effort by MRM Worldwide for Intel asked IT pros about Intel's processor technology. It used social media to facilitate the conversation. Says Fou, "The old way of messaging has always been the marketer out; we have brand message you hear it. The words Intel uses are highly technical, so for them it's how much simpler can we make this? but it's still their jargon. engineer's jargon. The analogy is, the conversations around the water cooler, but not with socialmedia sites, those conversations …
by Joe Mandese on Sep 19, 3:37 PM
The Interactive Advertising Bureau continues to push for an industry self-regulatory body to police consumer online privacy, but it's unlikely that entity would actually be housed within the IAB, Mike Zaneis, Vice President, Public Policy of the IAB said at the conclusion of OMMA Expo's "Bad Science" panel.
by Diane Mermigas on Sep 19, 3:36 PM
Gian Fulgoni, chairman of comScore, made one of the most important observations of the conference in noting the U.S. advertising spending's dependence on the financial industry which drove down display ad spending to a negative 6% in the second quarter, according to Nielsen Media. The turmoil on Wall Street will adversely impact multiple industries due to the devastating consolidation, job losses and tighteneing of credit.
by Karl Greenberg on Sep 19, 3:34 PM
I have friends who spend, I don't know, twenty hours a day on FaceBook. "You can do so much" or some version of that is the usual comment on the engagement level social media offers. Panel discussions yesterday and today, regardless of what they were about, all seemed to orbit social media. I'm on the outside of this, and I'm thinking it's my age. I know it's probably a cliche, but still. I think if kids' meet the Web, and online social media, then their minds - who knows, perhaps their physical brains - are shaped by it enough so …
by Mark Walsh on Sep 19, 3:28 PM
FTC's Harrison said the agency needs more information from marketers and tech companies involved in online tracking to to better regulate the industry. "What we would like to know is just what is being collectedd and how it's being used and how its being combined," she said. Otherwise policy will be made and "it may not be good policy because there isn't enough information."
by Joe Mandese on Sep 19, 3:24 PM
The current debate surrounding industry self-regulation of the collection and disclosure of online consumer behavior is mirroring a similar, now defunct debate of the late 1990s concerning "online profiling." The big difference now, Eileen Harrington, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, said Friday afternoon during OMMA Expo's "Bad Science" panel discussion, is, well, "everything."
by Gavin O'Malley on Sep 19, 3:06 PM
Within the realm of online privacy issues, who owns the data generated when consumers use the Web? Read the privacy policy, says Jeff Hirsch, President & CEO, Revenue Science. Trying to identify personal information online is a red herring, argues Eileen Harrington, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission It’s “almost a game of chicken going on here,†she says. The longer companies withhold their data gathering practices, the more likely it becomes that Government will step in.
by Joe Mandese on Sep 19, 3:00 PM