by John Capone on Oct 30, 6:22 PM
According to Tania Yuki, Director of comScore it's the value of branded content and product placement.
by John Capone on Oct 30, 6:09 PM
Adam Kasper, Director of Digital Media, Media Contacts and moderator of OMMA Video's GRP panel posited, "A video view could be more valuable than a television view." Tania Yuki, Director, Product Management, comScore doesn't know that we can point with certainty and predictability to the value of a video ad. It's difficult to relate exposure to purchasing behavior. It's difficult to do the modeling that has been done in television, that would prove the effect of an ad said Jeremy Lockhorn, Director of Emerging Media and Video Innovation, Razorfish.
by John Capone on Oct 30, 6:08 PM
"We have to stop saying digital dollars," says Jeremy Lockhorn, Director of Emerging Media and Video Innovation, Razorfish, "It's not digital dollars, it's the new TV dollars."
by Laurie Sullivan on Oct 30, 5:55 PM
Is the value of the GRP the key to convince advertisers to jump online in video? A GRP, is a reach and frequency method, a proxy for impact. The strategy breaks down when you try and bake in other metrics, according to Tania Yuki, Director, Product Management, comScore. The metrics needs to start simple, but there are things that companies can measure now, such as the ability to rate the content and track where it's shared. But even reach and frequency aren't simple in the digital space. Are metrics needed to appease people who can't see the value? "It's …
by Erik Sass on Oct 30, 5:50 PM
Yes, is the answer from the OMMA Video panel on metrics Friday afternoon. There was definitely a consensus that there needs to be one standard for audience measurement for online video to attract more ad dollars and scale the medium up. They also expressed dissatisfaction with the current situation in which there are dozens of different standards, "because when there are 20 standards, there's no standard." As for getting there, it will take some doing: suggestions from panelists included the IAB getting involved. Until then, however, media agencies may simply have to forge ahead by themselves; that's what Talia Skaletzky, …
by John Capone on Oct 30, 5:50 PM
The issues facing those measuring online video are not simple. How do you factor in click-data from short video segments? Can it be factored into GRP? As Jeremy Lockhorn, Director of Emerging Media and Video Innovation, Razorfish said, "20 different standards really isn't a standard" Everyone has their own calculation for GRP, but there is hope says Talia Skaletzky, Director, Online Video Practice, Initiative. In partnership with comScore and Atlas this is something that is being worked on, she says. how far away is it, no one seems to know. Pick a simple metric that factors reach …
by Laurie Sullivan on Oct 30, 5:38 PM
Some of the shows being discussed include "Easy to Assemble" and "Forty and Bitter," two online video shows sponsored by IKEA. The group has found creative freedom in new media to do something new each season. During the keynote panel the group talked about how budgets continue to increase, though no one would confirm by how much. The budget increased this year, compared with last because Ikea saw more money generated from the videos. IKEA also is open to other sponsors for the video show. In the series, Creator Illeana Douglas plays herself, deciding to leave the Hollywood acting life …
by Erik Sass on Oct 30, 5:27 PM
After a panel on branded entertainment, Laura Martin (who delivered a pleasantly ferocious analysis of the financial dynamics behind the media business earlier in the day) asked the creators and producers of Easy to Assemble, a show "about" Ikea, whether A) they expect audience fatigue of the kind that afflicts network TV, and B) whether they can actually make a living doing this. The answers, in reverse order, are B) they might not get rich, but they make "enough money," but the money isn't the point... and A) The freedom of new media allows them to refresh and switch up …
by Laurie Sullivan on Oct 30, 3:23 PM
In a panel about the art of being discovered, a group of panelists talked about what it takes to drive a video viral. For starters, (no kidding!) you need exciting content no one has seen. Several ways to promote a video, including SEO techniques and social media like Twitter and MySpace. Knowing what people search for and capitalizing on the keywords, along with carefully choosing the title tag, can help move the video viral. But at the end of the day if it's a video no one wants to watch you won't get results. Years ago it was easier …
by Erik Sass on Oct 30, 2:58 PM
Moderator John Capone asks the question that terrifies media planners: given the difficulties in monetizing online content with advertising, will big content owners be forced to charge consumers for online video? The panel consensus was: no, for the most part. Anthony Soohoo, SVP and GM of entertainment and lifestyle for CBS Interactive, remarked: “Every time we hit an ad recession, people talk about [throwing out the ad model]. I think the ad model is doing very well.†Conceding that it needs to be adjusted, Soohoo was nevertheless confident: “I don’t think the ad model for television will go away any …