by Gavin O'Malley on Aug 26, 2:35 PM
Rather than focusing on familiar terrain, the role of media analysts will increasingly be to identify brands' blind spots, according to Lisa Penelton, SVP Marketing Science at Critical Mass. "The real creativity is indentifying the white space," Penelton told attendees of MediaPost's Brand Insider Summit, on Friday. For analysts, carrying their weight will increasingly require "finding something new in the market."
by Wayne Friedman on Aug 26, 2:00 PM
Attribution is balance of art and science -- and Dolly Parton might be a good example to follow.This comes from Nicole Keiter, director of media strategy & optimization of Equifax Personal Information systems, who calls Parton “her fairy godmother for attribution.” “While she is a singer and actress, she is also worth about a half a billion dollars,” she says, speaking at the MediaPost Brand Marketers Summit. After being a successful singer, Keiter says Parton wanted to be an actress -- without having any idea she could do it. “It’s okay to act without knowing every answer …
by Gavin O'Malley on Aug 26, 1:20 PM
How can you replicate the enormous success of Nissan's College Diehard Fan App? First and foremost, "Don't do an app!" says Robert Brown, Senior Manager of Interactive Marketing at Nissan North America.
by Wayne Friedman on Aug 25, 2:16 PM
Cross-channel marketing is already a daunting task when it comes to execution of each channel, considering planning, creative, and vendor communication challenges. And then there is data. Speaking at the MediaPost Brand Marketers Summit, Erin Everhart, senior manager of media strategy for The Home Depot, has a more common sense approach. She doesn’t get pinned down into the “exact specific number of everything.” This is “because every different source I pull data from is going to show a different number. I’m going to spin my wheels in figuring out which is the right number.” …
by Gavin O'Malley on Aug 25, 1:47 PM
Home Depot's marketing department had a 'Hunger Games' problem, according to Erin Everhart, Senior Manager of Media Strategy at the home improvement giant. Whenever any money would be made available to achieve a goal, different teams -- search, social, etc. -- would all but kill each for their share.
by Gavin O'Malley on Aug 25, 12:48 PM
Starting today, Friendly's is going to start targeting mobile ads to people while they're having breakfast at Denny's and IHOP. For the family dining chain, it's a highly experimental campaign, admits CMO Randy Davis. "We'll see how this goes," David told attendees of MediaPost's Brand Marketing Summit, on Thursday.
by Tobi Elkin on Aug 24, 2:31 PM
Brands need to leverage deterministic and probabilistic models to do cross-device targeting, and agencies need to do a better job of integrating those capabilities into the mix.
by Joe Mandese on Aug 24, 1:53 PM
For all the talk about programmatic media-buying's impact on traditional media, a panel of agency experts said the transition is happening relatively slowly due to the historical "siloed" approach to media-buying and the lack of comparable metrics. "Obviously, traditional [media] is bought on a different metric -- GRPs, TRPs -- when is the day that we're going to have GRPs converted into impressions?," Ashley Evenson, director, Ciceron Digital Media Group, said during the "Post-Web Programmatic: Radio, OOH, TV... Everything?" panel at the Programmatic Insider Summit in Lake Tahoe.
by Wayne Friedman on Aug 24, 12:14 PM
Everyone sleeps daily -- but everyone doesn’t buy a mattress regularly. Or online. Speaking at MediaPost’s Programmatic Insider Summit, Terri Rockovich, vp of acquisition of Casper, an online mattress company, says: “People have questions; conversations take a little bit longer.” Even with its '100 night trial', she says many people say “there is no way I’m buying a bed online.” As such, she says, content pieces are critical with video and education key components. Casper focuses on creative with compelling headlines such as “ “One Perfect Mattress”, as well as touting its awards. Casper says it has …
by Philip Rosenstein on Aug 24, 8:21 AM
Targeting and reaching users on whichever device they may be on at a given time is increasingly the norm in the programmatic advertising practice. The various types of ad units -- on desktop or mobile, whether banner or video -- present a number of problems when it comes to targeting customers effectively.