by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 31, 12:15 PM
Forget about real-time marketing. Instead, agencies should be putting their best minds on "right-time marketing," according to Matt Wurst, director of social marketing at 360i. (While he promised to stop talking about 360i's tweet for Oreo during last year's Super Bowl, Wurst said it did demonstrate the agency's knack for good timing.) But, how can you know when the time is right? "Data plus planning," according to Wurst. It also helps to have a "news room" or "war room," which consist of people dedicated to monitoring news, information and events that could potentially be relevant to a particular brand. It …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 31, 12:05 PM
A comedian, a romance writer, and an economics major walk into a bar... Nope, that's not the setup for a bad joke. Rather, that's what an open call for a social community manager can look like these days, according to Kasey Skala, Digital Communication Manager at Great Clips. "I'd hire the comedian," Skala told attendees of OMMA's Social Media Insider Summit on Friday. Along with comedic timing, good community managers should also be "likable," and their own "advertising machines," said Aaron Kaufman, Community Strategist SCE Santa Monica Studio, Sony Playstation. "Good grammar," too! They also need to be "go-getters," and …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 31, 11:41 AM
Despite Facebook's clear size advantage, Twitter remains the go-to destination for "second-screen" TV talk and, for marketers, related analysis. That could change soon, however. In the UK, Facebook just partnered up with social TV analytics company SecondSync. "The two companies will work together to help marketers understand how people are using the social network to talk about topics such as TV," The Next Web reports. "The partnership is a big deal because it means Facebook's social TV data will be made available outside the company for the first time." Meanwhile, stateside, Facebook recently hired a team, including former TV producers, …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 31, 10:49 AM
Speaking of Oreo's spontaneous success at last year's Super Bowl, the brains behind that effort -- Matt Wurst, Director of Social Marketing at 360i -- just took the stage at OMMA's Social Media Insider Summit. Taking Summit attendees back to that magic moment, Wurst said there were ten people in a "war room" to monitor Oreo's Super Bowl ad. That the client was in the room was critical to making "the call," i.e., the decision to send out the tweet that rocked the advertising world. (If you're just coming out of an extended coma, Oreo took the opportunity of a …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 31, 10:12 AM
Where are brands going wrong with social media? Where to begin?! Too often, it takes them way too long to get approval on 140-characters of copy, which makes Oreo's spontaneous success at last year's Super Bowl virtually impossible. There's too much "back and forth," according to Adam Wexler, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Insightpool. Presently, brands are also pretty bad at extending the life of good copy, Wexler told attendees of OMMA's Social Media Insider Summit on Friday. If a tweet or another piece of social content performs well, brands should further mine its value. How? Along with the …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 30, 12:18 PM
These days, a lot of tech vendors will tell you they can gauge consumer sentiment with 75% accuracy. Unfortunately for clients, however, it's usually more like 60-65%, according to Michoel Ogince -- Director of Platform & Product Strategy at social media agency Big Fuel Communications. Yet, the science of sentiment tracking is getting very interesting, Ogince told attendees of MediaPost's Social Media Insider Summit on Thursday. The industry is close to measuring "true emotions around sentiment," he said. With the help of smart agencies, clients should then be able to respond appropriately to consumers' unique emotional responses. "Connecting sentiment to …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 30, 12:03 PM
More on the big problem that is managing social data, Michoel Ogince -- Director of Platform & Product Strategy at social media agency Big Fuel Communications -- suggesting leading with clear business goals. "We really try to understand what brands are trying to achieve," Ogince told attendees of MediaPost's Social Media Insider Summit on Thursday. And don't forget that it always comes back to KISS, Ogince notes. "Keep it simple, stupid!" Buying into social, Publicis Groupe took a majority stake in Big Fuel in mid-2011. Part of Publicis' VivaKi unit, the holding company said at the time that Big Fuel …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 30, 10:47 AM
How are agencies staying afloat in an ever deeper sea of social data? Definitely not by sharing the challenge that is data overload with clients, according to Sean Black, Managing Partner and Group Digital Director at Mediacom. "They don't want to hear about 'big data,'" Black told attendees of MediaPost's Social Media Insider Summit on Thursday. Rather, connecting with clients is all about "humanizing" the data, said Jack Harvey, EVP of Partnerships at Gnip, a social media API aggregation firm. And, Anne Czernek, Senior Research Analyst at Millward Brown, couldn't agree more. "I'm a giant dork, so I love data, …
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 30, 10:30 AM
Facebook on Thursday gave the world its first peek at Paper -- the social giant's most ambitious content service ever. Paper is "a mobile application that entirely re-envisions how Facebook users discover -- and create -- much of the content flowing through the massive social network," ReCode writes. Set to launch soon, "The stand-alone app is ... an attempt to aesthetically and thematically rethink how Facebook presents itself to users." Among other implications, Paper will no doubt make life more complicated for Flipboard, and other mobile- and social-leaning media aggregation services. Paper is part of a multi-year effort from the …
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